Thursday, May 28, 2009

Baseball Game

Baseball games in Korea beat baseball games in America, hands down.  What other sport requires fans to do a stretch during the game just to get them to move around?  Here in Korea, fans spend most of the game standing up cheering, hitting two inflatable balloon things together, and chanting.  The SK Wyverns, the local team in Incheon, are the favorites to win the title again this year.  I have a feeling I will be spending lots of time at the ballpark this summer.  Exciting sports + $2.00 hot dogs and beers= good times.

This is a picture during introductions.  The announcer is a guy in a boat/ elevator.  How else are you supposed to do it?

One of the crowd pumper uppers.  Can't call him a real cheerleader because he just whistles the whole time. 

Colin "chirping" obscenities at...
This guy, the only white guy on the field.  Apparently Colin did the same thing last year and the guy threw a ball at him.  No luck this night.

At first it was a slow motion wave.                      "Blah Blah Blah Blah.....SK!"
Then it picks up.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I'm not late.  I sent my mom this video for Mother's Day.  I had some of my students help me out. I'm not sure what little Nick is doing (the one standing on the desk) but it was pretty cute anyways.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


A couple weeks ago I was given a 5 day weekend by my gracious principal.  I decided to go down to Busan, the second largest city in South Korea.  I rode the fastest Korean train, KTX, from Seoul down to Busan.  

Busan is located in Southeastern Korea, and is famous for its beaches.  I would say it's the San Diego of South Korea, minus the warm water.  I hear it gets very crowded during the summer, so I guess I went at the perfect time.  When we arrived at the beach, there was some Korean wedding festival taking place.  As to what it symbolizes, your guess is as good as mine.

Apparently the guy on the wave runner wears the thong all the time and takes people for rides.  I'm not sure if it is good for business or bad.  All I know is that I was pretty freaked out when he decided to play soccer right next to us a few minutes later.
Our swanky "suite" next to the beach.
After an hour searching for this bar, I finally met up with my friend Bryon.  Still a little confused at this point.
The local market.  The blue sign on the right advertises kimchi, fyi.  Although I'm getting used to the stuff, we settled on some bagels.

Busan station

On the way back, we had to get "standing room only" seating.  I made a huge scene over the price of the ticket and they locked me in this little dungeon.  Next time I think I will pay the extra 5,000 won  ($5.00) for a regular seat.  It was the worst three hours of my life.