Chukhyun Public Elementary School:
My school is about a 10 minute bus ride from my apartment. Regular school has been on winter break since December. I have been teaching kids who registered with the brand new English Center that opened about a week before I arrived. Supposedly it's the most funded public school in Incheon. I don't doubt it.
The School
The English Center (CHEC)
After I pleaded for a while though, they gave in. The little one on the right with glasses, Julia, is one of the smartest kids you'll find. She destroyed me at math problems on the whiteboard after class one day. She's like 10 years old American age (12 years old Korean age).
Outside of the three classrooms, CHEC is designed to represent real life situations. At the end is the cafeteria, where we role play ordering food and such. There is also a supermarket and immigration office.

The teacher's office. That's Jung Bokshin, (Jenny) my coteacher and head of CHEC. That's a peace sign she's giving me, not the finger.

A view of the playground outside the teacher office window. What does the slide look like to you?
This is the main classroom. When the new semester starts in March, Jenny, Paddy our new teacher from Florida, and I will team teach in here with all three classes together, and then break down into our separate smaller classrooms. That's a touch screen tv you see in the middle. What's the weird looking thing on the ceiling? Oh, just a projection screen for the back wall... For 3-D presentations. The whole back wall behind me here becomes a huge movie screen. Each kid gets a pair of glasses and we throw on an animated film in English. I would pay to watch these movies at a theater. Get at me.
I don't understand what these are for. They don't translate very well either.