Last week was the inaugural CHEC English Festival. Every class was open to parents and other teachers who wanted to check out our English Center. Basically, we played a bunch of games that incorporated material from all of our lessons. These pictures are from the second day. The first day we had the Phonics and Beginner Classes. I wish I brought my camera that day, the little ones are unbelievably cute. Anyways, I present the Intermediate, Advanced 5th grade, and Advanced 6th grade classes.
We started off by playing a Silent Auction game. We show a sentence on the board and each team has to bet whether or not the sentence is grammatically correct. If they get the right answer, they win the amount of money they bet. If they get it wrong, they lose the money from their wager.
6th Grade: We played a Jeopardy game. There were three stations. The team that won the most money at the three stations won the game.

I had the sports station to the left.
Wayne lived in the Phillipines for a while and he is fluent in English. He's also a big smartass.
Jeopardy Amy and Nana "Ice Cream" (1st place)
Paulie, Kenny, and Peter "Cell Phone" (2nd Place)
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